Forms & Applications
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Building & Development Business Fire Rescue Programs & Services Infrastructure Services Mayor's Initiatives
Parking and the Beach Public Assistance Programs Special Events Town Government
Building & Development
Building & Development Citizen Self Service Center (CSS)
Our Building & Development Citizen Self Service Center allows you to manage your plans, permits, and inspections online.
Building Permit Application
Use this application for all construction and building projects within the Town of Hilton Head Island. lease see Building Application checklists for a list of required items for each permit type.
HVAC Change-out
Apply for a Single Family or Multi-Family HVAC Change-out.
HVAC Website Permitting Activation
Sign up for Online Pay and Print HVAC Change-out permits (Single Family and/or Multi-Family.
Substantial Damage/Improvement Review Application
Complete this form when the value of construction exceeds 40 percent of the value of the structure.
Tent / Stage / Bounce House Permit Application
If you installing a tent, stage, or bounce house.
Minor Corridor Review Application
Application for minor external changes to property within the Corridor Overlay District.
Major Corridor Review Application
Aesthetic review of new development, additions and alterations to property within the Corridor Overlay District.
Development Name Application
Application to name a new development.
Major Development Plan Review Application
Application for projects involving new structures, changes to existing structures or density, or more than five homes on one lot.
Minor Development Plan Review Application
Application for site improvements only, not involving structures or density.
Natural Resource Request Form
Application to alter the natural resources such as trees, buffers and beachfront on a site.
Pre-Application Meeting Request
Request an informal meeting with staff to review and discuss conceptual plans for a new project.
Sign Permit Application
Apply for a new sign, sign system or modifications to an existing sign.
Special Exception Application
Special Exceptions are uses that are allowed in a zoning district but may not be appropriate everywhere in that zoning district.
Street Name Application
Apply to name a new street or access easement.
Subdivision- Major Application
Application for all commercial subdivisions and residential subdivision of six or more lots.
Subdivision - Minor Application
Application for the division of land into five or fewer residential lots.
Utility Project Permit Application
Application for new utilities or utilities being modified beyond their existing footprint.
Variance Application
Variances are intended to provide relief from the strict application of certain LMO requirements for a property or associated development if the regulations cause unnecessary hardship.
Wetlands Alteration Application
Apply to alter wetlands on a parcel.
Workforce Housing Developer Application
Application for Developers to participate in the Workforce Housing Program.
Zoning Map Amendment Application
Apply to change the zoning of a parcel or parcels.
Manufactured Home Permit Application
For a new placement or to replace a Manufactured Home.
Request for Estimate of Fees
Use this application form if you are at the beginning stages of planning a project and looking to obtain building permit fees and impact fee information for budgeting purposes.
Accommodations Tax Payment Form
Pay your accommodations tax and beach preservation fee.
Business License Application
Apply for a Town of Hilton Head Island business license.
Residential or Commercial Property Rental Business License Application
Apply for a Town of Hilton Head Island business license to rent your residential or Commercial property.
Business License Change/Closure Form
Request changes or updates to your business license account or close your business license account.
Local Vendor Preference Application
Apply to be certified as a local vendor to receive the local vendor preference for Town bid opportunities.
Mobile Food Vendor Operational Permit Application
Operational permits are issued by the Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Quarterly Accommodation Tax Report
For property managers to report their quarterly or monthly rentals to the Town.
Fire Rescue Programs & Services
Burn Permit
Fires for burning yard waste including, but not limited, to grass, tree limbs, branches, leaves, pine straw, pine cones and similar items, requires a burn permit.
Fire Rescue Ride-Along Program Request
Request to participate in a ride-along to observe first-hand how firefighters respond to calls for help.
Fire Station Tour Request
Request a Fire Station Tour for your group, school, or organization.
Infrastructure Services
Town Encroachment Permit Application
Mayor's Initiatives
Mayor's Honored Islander Nomination Form
Nominate individuals for the Mayor's Honored Islander Award recognizing Hilton Head Island volunteers who excel in bettering our community.
Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award Record of Service Form
A student can receive Mayoral recognition for volunteer hours earned between May 1 and April 23.
Proclamation / Commendation Request Form
Submit your request for a Mayoral Proclamation or Commendation.
Parking and the Beach
Resident Beach Parking Permit Application
To qualify to purchase a beach parking permit you must be a Hilton Head Island resident as evidenced by one or more of the documents outlined on the application.
Public Assistance Programs
Smoke Alarm Program Citizen Request Form
Please complete this request for a free smoke alarm(s) or battery replacement from the Town's Fire Rescue Department.
Home Safety & Repair Program Application
If you are an income-qualified homeowner living within the Town of Hilton Head Island, you may be eligible for the Town's Home Safety & Repair Program.
Sewer Connection Program
A Program is a grant program to help income-qualified Hilton Head Island homeowners and renters connect their single-family homes to public sewer.
Special Events
Special Event Permit Application
An event may be required to obtain approvals and permits.
Town Special Event Sign Space Application
The Town has four special event signs around the Island to announce upcoming special events.
Beach Wedding Permit Application
Wedding ceremonies performed on the beach require a permit (free of charge) from the Town.
Town Government
Boards and Commission Membership Application
Town Council fills appointments on various boards, committees and commissions.
Public Comment for Public Meetings Form
To address Town Council, committees, boards, or commissions, during public comment, individuals must sign up prior to the meeting by submitting the public comment form to the Town Clerk or board secretary.