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Ambulance Billing

How do I submit my insurance information?

Submit Insurance Information Online

How do I pay my Ambulance Bill?

Pay an Ambulance Bill Online

View Ambulance Service Fees

Frequently Asked Questions

No. We perform billing and collection functions for Fire Rescue ambulance services.

We only contract with Medicare and Medicaid as required by law.

Yes, in most cases depending on the individual coverage.

  • Patients may provide insurance billing information we will send the insurance company the bill.
  • Patients must follow up with their insurance company. If a claim is denied or not paid in full, the patient is responsible for balance due.

The Fire Rescue Department is funded through a combination of property taxes and user fees. To minimize the impact on all residents, Town Council decided to bill users of our ambulance service.

We set our ambulance service fees based on market rate analysis, allowed insurance expenses and budgetary considerations.

A patient has the right to appeal an insurance company's decision. Contact your insurance provider to request an appeal.

As a last resort, the Town will submit the balance for collection through the South Carolina Department of Revenue.