Animals on the Beach

English | Español

Animal Beach Visiting Hours
October thru March Anytime On Leash or Under Voice Control
April thru the Thursday before Memorial Day 10 am - 5 pm On Leash
5 pm - 10 am On Leash or Under Voice Control
Friday before Memorial Day thru Labor Day 10 am - 5 pm Not Allowed on Beach
5 pm - 10 am On Leash or Under Voice Control
Tuesday after Labor Day thru September 10 am - 5 pm On Leash
5 pm - 10 am On Leash or Under Voice Control

Additional Regulations

  • Animal excrement must be removed and properly disposed of from the beach
  • It is illegal to allow pets to chase or harass wildlife

View Municipal Code Title 8 Chapter 1 - "Beaches" for more information


The Beaufort County Sheriff's Department and Town code enforcement officers patrol the beach and enforce all beach regulations.

  • Violators of beach regulations are subject to fines and court costs up to $1,087.50 per each offense.