Hilton Head Island
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You will be sharing the beach with an amazing array of other creatures who call it home!
We all love watching these creatures and want to help protect them and the beach we all love!
Most dune plants have roots very close to the sand's surface that are easily killed by foot traffic. Once roots die, sand begins to erode. Use only existing paths or dune walkovers to access the beach.
The action of dragging boats, chairs and other objects in and out of the dunes kills plants and causes dune erosion.
Do not try to feed any of our wild creatures. It can change their normal behavior, and make them lose their fear of humans and be aggressive when food is not given. They may also begin to rely on humans solely for food and stop looking for it in their habitat.
Many of our beach access points have recycling bins for plastic and aluminum.
When the fun is over, fill in holes and return the sand to its smooth condition. Holes can be death traps for baby sea turtles or cause an evening walker/runner to injure themselves.
If collecting shells, carefully check to see that the shell is empty!
Refrain from chasing our shorebirds! It causes them to use a lot more energy than they normally would, and may leave them with little energy for reproduction and migration. Walk or ride around birds on the beach.
Sea Turtle Protection