Know Your Flood Hazard

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Floods and Flood Zones: which one are you in?

Be informed of your flood zone, potential risk of flooding and the hazards associated with it.

What are Flood Maps?

Flood maps provide flood risk information for a community. Any land area that may be impacted by floodwaters is identified as a floodplain on these maps.

A Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) identifies both the special flood hazard areas and the flood risk premium zones within the community.

  • Zones designated "A" - subject to rising water with moderate tidal flooding and moderate wind.
  • Zones designated "V" - subject to strong winds and waves more than 3 feet in addition to tidal flooding.

Is your property may be at risk for flooding?

View our Flood Zone Hazard Search and Map to see if your property may be at risk for flooding.

Flood Zone Hazard Search

How do I find Flood Insurance Rate Map Information?

For Flood Insurance Rate Map questions including FIRM dates, FIRM zones and base flood elevations:

We are also available to provide information and answer questions about:

  • Local drainage concerns
  • Flood depth data
  • Coastal erosion hazard information
  • Historical flooding
  • Areas with natural floodplain functions that should be protected

Flood Insurance Questions?

For more information about flood insurance visit
