Hilton Head Island
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Before you build, retrofit or repair your home or business, or place fill on your property, get a permit from the Town.
Zones "X" and "X-Shaded" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are areas of the low- and moderate-risk for flooding from rising water during a storm.
Zones designated as "AE" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are in the special flood hazard area and subject to flooding from rising water during a storm.
Zones designated as "VE" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map and commonly called "velocity zones" are areas where hazards exist in addition to coastal flooding due to high wind, storm surge and strong wave action.
When constructing in Zone VE, the following conditions apply:
Zones designated as "AO" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are defined as areas of shallow flooding.
Search Your Flood Hazard Zone
Permitting Questions?
Contact our Community Development Information Center at cdic@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4757