Ready Hilton Head Island

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Fire Rescue Logo
Unfortunately, emergencies and disasters are part of and will impact all of our lives.

In the Lowcountry, we are vulnerable to a variety of hazards including hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, hazardous materials incidents, terrorism, power outages, and resource shortages. These types of events affect thousands of citizens across the country annually with significant financial impacts and tragic losses. We have the ability to reduce the impact on ourselves and our community.

The Difference We Can Make Is Being Prepared

Emergency Management Accreditation Program Logo

Through preparedness, local governments can be better positioned to fulfill their obligation to respond to disasters timely and effectively, protect lives, and preserve property. It is equally important that you take the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of you and your family. After an emergency or disaster, local officials will be working hard to manage the effects of the emergency or disaster. In your planning, you should assume that basic services such as electricity, water, gas, and telephones may not be available for some time. This is why it is critical for everyone to Get a Kit, Make a Plan, and Stay Informed.

Be Prepared!


Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults

Do not call 9-1-1 for general information or questions about a disaster/emergency. Emergency workers need these lines open for emergency use.