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Sheltering in Place Ready

English | Español

The Town may ask residents to shelter in place during an emergency that poses more risk to you if you should evacuate, such as a hazardous materials spill.

Sheltering in Place during a tropical storm or hurricane when a mandatory evacuation ordered IS NOT AN OPTION!

Sheltering in place offers you and your family immediate protection for a short period of time in your home, school, business or other facility.

  • If you are asked to shelter in place, get everyone indoors immediately, close all windows and outside doors, and relocate to a central room in your house or workplace.
  • If instructed to do so, turn off fans, central air and heat, and cover windows and doors with plastic or duct tape.
  • The supplies you have collected for your emergency kit will sustain you while waiting for the emergency to be stabilized.
  • If your children are at school, do not leave your house or workplace to go get them.
    • Take the time now to learn the school's emergency plans.
    • Going outside could expose you to a hazardous environment.

During a shelter in place emergency:

  • Turn on a radio or television to a local news station to stay informed about what is going on, and wait until the "all clear" is broadcast before exiting the building.
  • Follow instructions provided by local officials.
  • Be prepared to evacuate if ordered to do so.

Shelter in Place Emergency Kit

Prepare a shelter-in-place kit containing the following:

  • A battery-operated AM/FM radio with spare batteries
  • Flashlight with spare batteries
  • Food and bottled water (one gallon per person per day)
  • Towels
  • First aid kit and medicine
  • Other items essential for your family's survival
  • Include food and water for your pets
  • Consider sanitary arrangements for your family and pets
