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Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue uses RapidSOS. A 911 wireless call location application, which allows a wireless device caller's location to be pinpointed within a three meter radius, while in motion, and for fifteen minutes after the call has been disconnected.
RapidSOS has partnered with Apple, Google, and Smart911 to deliver better location data for wireless calls received from iPhones with iOS 12 and Android phones version 4.0 and up. When an Apple or Google customer makes a 911 call the traditional location information is transmitted to the dispatch center.
RapidSOS works with Apple and Android devices by AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. Other carriers may be added.
Registration is simple, free.
If you have an Apple device, you will need to go into the Health App on your phone. It is white and has a pink heart in the right corner.
Once you add all of your information in the app, you have to agree to share that information with Apple so that the information can be sent to us when or if you should ever have an emergency.
If you have an Android device, you have to go to www.emergencyprofile.org and enter your information in that platform.
Create Your Emergency Health Profile Today!
Contact our E911 Communications Manager at BeckyN@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or call 843-682-5129.