Hilton Head Island
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If you answered yes to any of those questions, sign up for our Ride-Along Program.
Our Ride-Along Program provides students, health care professionals, prospective applicants and members of the community the opportunity to experience the many aspects of the fire service and what the day-to-day life is like for a Hilton Head Island firefighter.
Observe first-hand how firefighters respond to calls for help. As our guest, you will see and hear exactly how firefighters handle the wide variety of incidents that we encounter every day.
The program offers an inside perspective of how we serve our community by responding to emergency calls, continuously developing our personnel, and providing community outreach.
To schedule your ride along, please fill out the form.
Request a Ride-Along
Please allow one week to process the request.
If you have any questions about the Ride-Along Program or application, please contact the Fire Rescue Headquarters at 843-682-5100.
On your ride-along, you will have the opportunity to observe a variety of fire, rescue, and EMS calls. As an observer, you will not be engaged in actual firefighting, rescue or EMS operations. Therefore, there is no need to bring PPE from another department.
* This service is provided as a privilege at the discretion of the Fire Chief or their designee and may be revoked at any time and for any reason.