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Dial 911 only for an emergency. An emergency is any serious situation where a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical help is needed right away.
Non-emergency number: 843-682-5125
VoIP phone service uses your internet connection to make and receive phone calls.
VoIP subscribers enjoy certain advantages like free long distance, or cheaper options for local and cellular phone services. However, VoIP calls present problems for 911 answering systems and can often be routed to the wrong 911 center or be accidentally dropped.
VoIP subscribers should take precautionary steps to ensure their safety when emergency services are needed.
For more information about VoIP and 911, visit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) VoIP 911 website at www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/voip-and-911-service.
While many smart phones are accurate with knowing exact locations for games and apps, 911 technology is not as accurate. The precise location of a caller who dials 911 from any cell phone cannot be determined.