Hilton Head Island
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We aim to provide 24 hour inspection service from the time of notification of inspection request.
Due to increased inspection volume, we are currently experiencing longer than usual wait times for our inspection services. Please note the following updates to our service:
We appreciate your patience and understanding as our staff works diligently to catch up with scheduled inspections. Rest assured that we are doing everything possible to minimize delays while maintaining our high standards of service.
For the most current information about your inspection status, please visit our customer portal.
Building & Development Citizen Self Service Portal
To schedule an inspection, obtain inspection results, or cancel an inspection:
Schedule an Inspection Online
Special inspector registrations will be required for all individuals performing inspections to be in compliance with Chapter 17 of the International Building Code.
Visit the SC Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation at www.llr.state.sc.us to register as a Special Inspector.
After passing all inspections and submitting any requested final paperwork, you will receive a Certificate of Occupancy for new construction or a 'Final' for other construction.
Keep in mind that a structure cannot be occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for a new structure.
Contact the Community Development Information Center at cdic@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4757