Hilton Head Island
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The following policy and guidance for the submission of foundation surveys, as-built surveys, under construction flood elevation certificates, and finished construction flood elevation certificates will be used.
All Foundation surveys and as-built surveys shall have the required setbacks and buffers delineated and labeled on them.
Note: If the project is not located in a flood zone then an elevation certificate is not required.
The Foundation survey will be required if the proposed addition is located within 20 percent of the required adjacent setback/buffer distance. (Example: If the adjacent setback/buffer distance is 5 feet and the addition is to be built within one foot from the setback/buffer, then a Foundation survey is required).
The Foundation survey will be required if the proposed addition is located within 10 percent of the required adjacent setback/buffer distance. (Example: A Foundation survey is required if the addition is to be built within 2 feet measured from the setback/buffer and the set back/buffer is 20 feet).
Contact Katie Kabala, Customer Service Manager, at KatieK@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4698.