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Obtaining Emergency Information

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Your communication plan should not only include contact information, it should also include how you will obtain information from Federal, State and Local sources.

Consider using some of these resources.

Hilton Head Island/Beaufort County Hurricane Re-Entry Hotline

  • 1-833-254-6400

Beaufort County Emergency Management

Beaufort County Government

SC Emergency Management Division

SC Department of Transportation

SCDOT Traveler Information System

Hispanic Outreach of SC

  • 803-419-5112
  • @AcercamientoHispano

Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce

Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce

  • 843-525-8525

Palmetto Breeze

National Hurricane Center

National Weather Service Charleston

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

SC Insurance Association


National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

American Red Cross
