Workforce Housing Incentives in Hilton Head Island

In response to our community's need for workforce housing, the Town of Hilton Head Island has implemented public policy incentives to encourage construction of quality, attractive workforce housing in the Town.

Strengthening Our Community Through Housing

Housing for Hilton Head Island's workforce is important for maintaining the Island's high quality of life. Employers consider housing availability and affordability on Hilton Head Island as essential for attracting and keeping qualified workers. Housing forecasts indicate a need to increase housing production to meet future housing demands in the Town. The Town's Workforce Housing (WFH) Program is designed to promote opportunities for development of workforce housing.

Workforce Housing

To participate in the Town's Workforce Housing (WFH) Program, interested developers or builders must execute an agreement with the Town and commit to providing housing to families or individuals who will use it as their primary residence and meet income and employment requirements.

Workforce housing incentives permit conversion of commercial buildings into living units and allow for higher density of dwelling units in certain residential zones.

Density Bonuses

Density bonuses will allow you to have a maximum of 12 units per acre on property tracts that are three acres or greater and zoned RM-4 (Low Density Residential District).

To receive this incentive, the developer must designate a percentage of the units for renters and homebuyers that meet federal guidelines for area median income (AMI) for Beaufort County. Additionally, if there is a mix of workforce and market-rate units, they must be similarly designed and constructed.

Conversion of Commercial Buildings

The Town will allow conversion of existing commercial buildings to residential or mixeduse developments as long as they meet WFH program requirements and are currently located in areas zoned for mixed-use or workforce housing.

Density will be determined by the size of the existing building, and the number and size of the units desired. Renters or homebuyers must meet AMI, residency and employment requirements.

Workforce Housing Developer Application

Please note at this time the Town of Hilton Head Island does not have an inventory of available workforce housing nor do we accept applications for workforce housing.
