Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award

The Mayor realizes the value of our young residents and believes this Initiative will be a way of honoring and showing support for the community's young people.

About the Award

The Town of Hilton Head Island has a long and proud tradition of volunteer service. The Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award was established to recognize the valuable contributions that youth volunteers are making in our community and encourage more young people to volunteer.

The Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award is a way to thank and honor Hilton Head Island Middle School and High School students who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service.

Benefits of the Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award

  • Our community wins by focusing on Volunteerism;
  • Young People give their time to Hilton Head Island;
  • Young People can see they can make a difference and receive recognition for their effort;
  • Young people connect with the Town of Hilton Head Island; and
  • The Award has a direct impact on how young people learn to volunteer and who become adults who give back to their community.

Volunteer Requirements to Receive the Mayor's Youth Volunteer Service Award

  • The Award is open to all middle school and high school students who attend a Hilton Head Island school or who is a resident of Hilton Head Island and completes all volunteer service hours on Hilton Head Island;
  • A student can receive Mayoral recognition for volunteer hours earned between May 1st and April 21st of each calendar year;
  • The following are the eligibility requirements for each level of recognition:
    • Bronze Level: At least 50 hours of volunteer service;
    • Silver Level: 51 to 100 hours of volunteer service;
    • Gold Level: 101 to 150 hours of volunteer service;
    • Mayor's Call to Service Award: More than 150 hours of volunteer service.
  • All volunteer hours must be recorded and confirmed on a record of service form. A record of service form must be executed by the student and by the school's Community Service Coordinator or other school administrator to be considered complete;
  • Record of service forms are available with complete information and instructions on the Town of Hilton Head Island's website at
  • Completed record of service forms must be turned in no later by April 23rd of each calendar year, to Faidra Smith, Administration Manager.
  • Students who earn an Award will be notified and presented an Award by the Mayor at a special Award Ceremony.

Role of School Principal or Designated Administrator

School principals or designated administrators are requested to announce, educate students and guidance counselors on this Award opportunity, and appoint a school Community Service Coordinator.

All volunteer hours submitted by a student must be confirmed by the school's Community Service Coordinator or other school administrator.

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