Rezoning (Zoning Map Amendment)

Rezoning is an official change in the zoning district of a property, allowing different land uses and density requirements on that property.

Who can apply?

The property owner, Town Council, Planning Commission or the Town Manager.

The Rezoning Process

Every application for a change to the zoning map is reviewed by the Planning Commission and then Town Council for final adoption.

A Project Manager will be assigned to guide you through the entire process and be your point of contact for any questions.

Step 1. Pre-Application Meeting

We strongly recommend that you attend a free Pre-application Meeting for your project. The meeting is an informal discussion of the project with staff to provide comments, suggestions and/or concerns from Town departments that will review your application.

Request a Pre-Applicaiton Meeting

Step 2. Submit Your Application

Download the rezoning application and submit it with all required materials and filing fee.

Zoning Map Amendment Application

Filing Fee: $500

View the Planning Commission schedule and filing deadlines

Step 3. Staff Review

  • Confirm application is complete and schedule the request on an upcoming Planning Commission agenda.
  • Prepare a staff report that includes comments received, an analysis of the proposal's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, and a recommendation to the Planning Commission.

Your project manager will:

  • Coordinate with you regarding your public hearing date and application status
  • Notify the public of the public hearing via a newspaper advertisement and post a sign on the property
  • Prepare a report listing staff's recommendations
  • Notify you of the various meeting dates

Step 4. Planning Commission Meeting and Recommendation

What can I expect at a Planning Commission Meeting?

  • The review of your application at the Public Hearing.
  • The Project Manager will present the rezoning for the Commission's review.
  • You are encouraged to speak to the Planning Commission in support of your request.
  • A recommendation to Town Council to approve or deny your application will be made.
    Note: This is only a recommendation. Town Council makes the final decision.

Step 5. Town Council Meeting

What can I expect at a Town Council Meeting?

  • Town Council will review your application.
  • Rezoning applications must be approved by ordinance. An ordinance must go through two readings by Town Council at two separate meetings.

Step 6. Effective Date

If your application is approved, the zoning becomes effective immediately.

View the Application Specific Review Procedures - LMO section 16-2-103.G

View our Community Development Application Process Table


Contact the Community Development Information Center at or 843-341-4757