Hilton Head Island
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Our Special Event Ordinance was adopted to assist the Community in providing and coordinating year- round events for the public by ensuring events are both safe and meet the basic needs of participants.
An event may be required to obtain approvals and permits for adequate parking and traffic flow, sanitation, security, law enforcement, fire and safety protection.
A Town Special Event permit is required for all public activities conducted on public and/or commercial property that meet the following criteria:
Special Event Applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to your event or up to a year in advance.
You may not be required to obtain a Town Special Event permit, but may be required to obtain other Town permits.
If the event meets any of the following criteria you may still be required to obtain a permit, approval, or both from one or more Town departments.
Contact the Town's Special Event Coordinator, Eileen Buckalew at EileenB@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4639