Permits and Licenses

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Resident Beach Parking Permit

To qualify to purchase a beach parking permit you must be a Hilton Head Island resident as evidenced by one or more required documents.

Beach Wedding Permit

Wedding ceremonies performed on the beach require a permit (free of charge) from the Town.

Boat Permit

A permit that will allow a boat to be left on the beach.

Building & Development

Building Permits

A building permit is required to start a new construction or remodeling project. Find out about your project's specific requirements.

Development Permits

Projects involving building construction, or only site improvements, most likely will need a Design and/or Development Plan Review approval. Find out about your project's specific requirements.

Encroachment Permit

If a project or activity is going to be performed within the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit is required.

Land Disturbance Permit

Request an inspection of stormwater facilities that have been installed.

Manufactured Home Permit

For placing one home on vacant lot or replacing one home with another

Natural Resources

You may need a permit to alter the natural resources such as trees, buffers and beachfront on a site.

Sign Permit

You need a permit to display a sign promoting your business.

Site Lighting Permit

Installation and/or modification to site lighting, except for single family properties, requires approval from the Town prior to installation.

Utility Project Permit

Application for new utilities or modifications beyond their existing footprint.


Business License

Anyone doing business in the Town is required to have a business license.

Short-Term Rental Permit

The Town is accepting applications for permits through its short-term rental permitting portal.

Mobile Food Vendor Vehicle Permit

Operational permits are issued by the Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue Bureau of Fire Prevention.

Sign Permit

You need a permit to display a sign promoting your business.

Fire Prevention & Life Safety

Burn Permit

Outdoor Open Burning and Recreational Fires

Natural Resources

Tree Removal Permit

You may need a permit to remove or prune a protected tree.

Wetlands Alteration Permit

If a wetland will be impacted by activities, apply for a Natural Resources Permit.

Special Events

Special Event Permit

Required for all outdoor public activities conducted on public or commercial property with expected totals of 250 or more people.

Stage Permit

Submit the Miscellaneous Building Permit Application for event stages.

Tent Permit

Submit the Miscellaneous Building Permit Application for tents.