Short-Term Rental Permit

A short-term rental permit must be obtained for each short-term rental property that is offered for short-term rental.

  • The short-term rental permit is in addition and separate from the annual business license.
  • Short-term rental permits are valid from January 1 to December 31st.
  • Short-term rental permits are non-transferrable, non-refundable, and only valid for the property that is issued the permit.
  • It is the duty of the owner to notify the town of any changes of the short-term rental permit.

Short-Term Rental Permit Fee

The short-term rental ordinance establishes the assessment of an annual fee for short-term rental permits.

  • The fee is limited to recovering costs associated with identifying short-term rental properties, ensuring compliance with permitting requirements, and addressing violations.
  • Town Council will determine the annual fee during the annual budget ordinance.
  • Short-Term Rental permit fee is $250 for each property offered for short-term rental.
  • Short-term rental permits are non-refundable.

Requirements for Single-Family Dwellings

Owners of single-family dwellings will be required to upload a site plan of their property to show the parking and trash areas which will be reviewed by town staff for approval.

Learn more about Short-Term Rental Site Plans

View Short-Term Rental Permit Requirements

Short-term Rental Permit Process

Step 1. Contact Us for an Account Number

Get your account number by contacting Town Short-Term Rental staff at or 843-341-4740.

Step 2. Register as a New User

  1. On the login page, select the New user? Register Here link under the log in button.
  2. Enter your email address.
    You will receive an emai that will prompt you to click on a link which will take you to a secure User Profile screen.
  3. Create your User Profile and select the orange Continue to Business Profile button.
    1. You will be required to link your Business Profile to your short-term rental property by entering the account number and activation code you received in your registration letter.
    2. Note that your short-term rental account number in the system has Six Digits, so your account number will begin with zeroes.
  4. Enter your Account Number and 6-digit Activation Code, then select blue Look Up button,
  5. Choose Role in the drop-down box, then select the green Connect button.
  6. Select the blue Return to Business Center Button.

Step 3. Complete Open Tasks in your Business Center

Select the task link(s) under the Open Tasks heading.

  1. Be sure to click the orange Submit button after you complete your application.
  2. If you own a single-family dwelling, you will also need to create and upload a site plan (condos/villas are exempt). Be sure to click the orange Submit button after you upload your site plan.

Step 4. Submit Permit Fee Payment

Follow payment instructions and select the orange Submit button.

You will receive a payment receipt by email.

Short-term rental permits are non-refundable.

Step 5. Permit Application Approvals

You will receive an email notification once the application has been approved (please allow up to 30-45 business days for processing).

You will be able to print your STR permit once it has been approved.

Need assistance with short-term rental permits?

Contact Town Short-Term Rental Staff at or 843-341-4740.


How to Use the Short-Term Rental Permit Portal

Audio Transcript for How to Use the Short-Term Rental Permit Portal Video

Owner's Toolkit