Hilton Head Island
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The Town of Hilton Head Island continually seeks to improve communication and accessibility to town programs, services, and information for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP). The town will ensure people with LEP meaningful access to its programs, services, and activities by providing accurate, timely and effective language access services that are free of charge and consistent with Federal law. This language access plan (LAP) contains the policy and steps describing how the Town of Hilton Head Island will provide programs, services, and information to people who speak other languages than English and have LEP or people who use various modes of communication, such as people with hearing, vision, or speech loss.
This LAP includes five steps to help identify and support people with LEP to ensure they are provided with effective communication, equal opportunity, and meaningful access to town programs and services. The five steps are:
Individuals that do not use English as a primary language and have limited ability to speak, understand, read, or write in English are identified in the U.S. Census a having LEP. According to the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, the Town of Hilton Head Island has 5,456 people who speak a language other than English, which is 14.7 percent of the town's total population. According to these figures, 4,265 people are Spanish speakers, which is 11.5 percent of the total population, and the highest percentage of non-English speaking people residing within the town. Information provided in the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey indicates 2,010 people or 5.4 percent of the town's total population have a hearing disability and 1,141 people or 3.0 percent of the Town population have a vision disability.
As part of community engagement, the town has secured services for on-demand interpretation and translation services with Language Line Services, Inc. These services include:
The Town of Hilton Head Island will provide access to iSpeak language identification guides and resources including training videos to all employees via the town's intranet portal. The purpose of the training is to ensure staff know the town's responsibility to provide language and communication access services, how to use this resource and how to maintain sensitivity when interacting with the public.
The town will provide notice and information regarding the availability of language and communication access services to ensure people with LEP have effective communication, equal opportunity and meaningful access to town programs, activities, and services. The town has provided a language services page on its website with information for accessing language services. In addition to providing an English language website, the Town provides a Spanish language version of its website.
The town will periodically monitor, evaluate, and update the LAP when necessary. The town will monitor the use of language and communication access services and any complaints, feedback, or suggestions regarding the services provided. Town staff will periodically be surveyed on the frequency of language and communication access services provided in their work.
Town of Hilton Head Island's Language Access Service