News Release

Town of Hilton Head Island Logo

2023 Hurricane Season Starts June 1

Be Prepared & Informed

May 31, 2023

The 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season starts Thursday, June 1. We want to remind Hilton Head Island residents and visitors where to go for official and timely information. Always follow government sources of information to avoid misinformation.

The Town of Hilton Head Island uses the following platforms to keep you up to date on severe weather and other issues impacting public safety:

Be Prepared
The Town of Hilton Head Island offers a wealth of information and resources to help you better prepare for an emergency. To access valuable information and resources, please visit

Other Official Sites for Hurricane Information
In addition to the Town of Hilton Head Island’s platforms, we recommend residents and visitors visit the following government websites for information on hurricanes and severe weather:

Note: To view this news release in Spanish or other native languages, choose your appropriate language from our dropdown menu on the upper right side of our website page.

Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.

Carolyn Grant, Communications Director