Hilton Head Island
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Town employees who earn benefits have a number of insurance options: health, dental, vision, life and flexible spending accounts.
The State Health Plan provides you and your dependents with valuable medical coverage when needed.
The State Dental Plan offers coverage for a variety of services at a reasonable cost.
The Town offers a choice among two plans:
The Basic Dental Plan offers coverage for a variety of services at a reasonable cost.
Dental Plus pays more and has higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs.
Provided through EyeMed Vision Care and offers coverage for eye exams, eyeglasses and contact lenses.
You may enroll in the Dependent Life Insurance Plan for your eligible dependents even if you do not have Optional Life coverage or other State Plan group benefits.
You can help maximize the money in your paycheck by participating in the MoneyPlus pre-tax flexible benefits program.
MoneyPlu$ saves you money on eligible medical and dependent care costs by enabling you to pay these expenses with funds deducted from your salary before it is taxed.
Because these accounts offer significant tax savings, they are governed by strict rules regarding contributions and use of funds.
Information contained in this summary should in no way be construed as a promise or guarantee of employment. The Town reserves the right to modify, amend, suspend, or terminate any plan at any time for any reason. If there is a conflict between information in this site and actual plan documents or policies, the documents or policies always govern.
Complete details about these benefits can be obtained by reviewing current plan description or policies available from the Human Resources Department.