News Release

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Hilton Head Island Residents Invited to Apply for Vacancies on Town Council Appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees

March 12, 2025

The Hilton Head Island Town Council seeks dedicated residents to fill vacancies on various boards, commissions, and committees.

"Serving our community is a shared responsibility between elected officials and residents, whose valuable experience and knowledge help us grow and enhance the quality of life on Hilton Head Island," said Mayor Alan Perry. "I am truly grateful to the residents who volunteer their time on our boards, commissions, and committees. With current openings available, I encourage others to step forward, share their expertise, and take this opportunity to give back while gaining insight into our local government."

Current openings include:

Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee

The seven-member committee evaluates applications from community organizations seeking tourism grant funds for projects that attract visitors to Hilton Head Island and provides recommendations to the Town Council on the allocation of accommodations tax funds.

Total Vacancy: One. This position must be filled by a professional with experience in the hospitality industry.
Meetings: Convenes July through December as needed at 9 am

Board of Zoning Appeals

The seven-member board reviews land use issues, including proposed variances from the Town's Land Management Ordinance, special exception applications, and appeals of decisions made by an administrative official. To the extent possible, the members shall include at least one attorney and one design professional (registered architect or landscape architect).

Total Vacancies: Three. One of the vacancies must be filled with a professional architect and the remaining two are at-large positions.
Meetings: Fourth Monday of the month at 2:30 pm

Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals

The nine-member board reviews and decides appeals regarding orders and decisions made by the Building Official concerning the application and interpretation of adopted building and fire codes. Additionally, they assess variance requests for base flood elevations and certain public nuisance violations.

Total Vacancies: Three positions which must be filled with a general contractor, an architect and a professional (at-large) with experience in the building industry.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 5 pm, as needed

Design Review Board

The seven-member board assesses the aesthetics of new developments and renovations of existing developments to preserve the Island's Character. The members shall include design professionals such as registered architects or landscape architects.

Total Vacancy: One at-large position
Meetings: Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2:30 pm

Housing Action Committee

The 11-member board assists with the Town's workforce housing priorities. Committee member experience and knowledge include housing and community development, homebuilding, affordable housing, social services, workforce housing advocacy, banking and finance, and philanthropy.

Total Vacancy: One at-large position
Meetings: Second Monday of the month at 10 am

Planning Commission

The nine-member board prepares and updates the Town’s comprehensive plan and reviews proposed zoning changes, major subdivision applications, major development plan applications, public projects, street and development name changes, and traffic impact applications.

Total Vacancies: Two at-large positions
Meetings: Third Wednesday of the month at 2 pm

To qualify for service, applicants must be registered voters within the Town of Hilton Head Island. Applications are kept on file for two years. For more details on each board, commission, and committee, and to apply, visit or contact Cindaia Ervin, Assistant Town Clerk, at 843-341-4646 or Interested residents should submit their applications by Friday, April 25.

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Manager