Hilton Head Island
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February 6, 2025
Hilton Head Island Town Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on February 4. The following offers a summary of discussion and actions taken by the Council.
Shawn Colin, Assistant Town Manager, provided an update related to the permitting process for the upcoming 2025-2026 Hilton Head Island Beach Renourishment Project. He explained that to move forward as quickly as possible with the bidding process and critical scheduling time windows, the Town Manager must be authorized by Council to sign and execute the permit obtained through an application process that involves the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Council members voted to authorize the Town Manager to move the project forward once the permit is received.
As part of accepting the permit and moving forward with the renourishment, Colin advised Council that the Town will be required to amend its municipal code related to dog activity near Fish Haul Creek. The USFWS permit requirement seeks to protect endangered shore bird species who migrate and nest in an area about the size of two football fields and about 600 ft. away from the public access point. USFWS has indicated that dogs may be disruptive to the birds’ habitat. The new restrictions will go into effect once the permit is received and executed. More information, including signage at Fish Haul Beach, will be shared in the coming weeks. Of note, the area to be restricted does not currently see heavy dog or human activity given its specific characteristics and tidal activity.
At the request of Mayor Alan Perry, Colin provided an update on the William Hilton Parkway Bridge Corridor Project in relation to recent public meetings with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), Beaufort County council members and administrators, Hilton Head Island Town council members and administrators.
Colin outlined six options that were discussed at the most recent meeting on Jan. 30 and council members received the update as information. Another joint meeting involving Beaufort County and the town of Hilton Head Island is set for February 12 from 5 -8 pm at the Buckwalter Recreation Center in Bluffton, SC. Officials will review the six proposals in detail, including available funding, next steps and a draft, joint resolution on how the entities would like the project to procced. The meeting is open to the public and will include a public comment opportunity.
Town Council members voted to grant easements to the South Island Public Service District for infrastructure installation related to utility service. During the second reading, Colin presented additional information requested by Council regarding the project plans. Of note, 14 live oak trees will be replanted as a condition of the Town’s permit, which is a higher standard than what is currently asked of private homeowners or developers. The project, located in the Dunnegan’s Alley area near Town Hall, is expected to begin in Fall 2025.
Members also voted to approve the meeting schedule as presented for the Community Services and Public Safety Committee and voted to approve the Finance and Administrative Committee meeting schedule with one change; the proposed meeting for March 25 was moved to March 18, 2025.
Missy Luick, Town of Hilton Head Island Planning Director, presented the first reading of an ordinance to amend noise control requirements related to construction and commercial landscaping activities. The proposed changes are intended to improve quality of life for residents living outside of master-planned communities and revise the Town’s municipal code to better address construction-related noise issues.
Luick also presented the first reading of a proposed text amendment to the Town’s Land Management Ordinance municipal code related to adaptative re-use of hotel and motel properties for conversion to other types of housing. After an in-depth discussion and public comment period, Town Council voted to remand the proposed amendment back to the Town’s Planning Commission for additional review.
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Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite hiltonheadislandsc.gov y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.
Contact Heather Woolwine, Communications Director 843-341-4604 HeatherW@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
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