News Release

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Town Council to Host Workshop on William Hilton Parkway Gateway Corridor Project

June 7, 2024

The Hilton Head Island Town Council will update the public on the William Hilton Parkway Gateway Corridor Project at a special workshop dedicated to this important topic.

Date:            Monday, June 17, 2024
Time:           5:00 pm
Location:     Benjamin M. Racusin Council Chambers at Town Hall
                    1 Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island

This workshop offers property owners and residents, especially those within the historic Stoney neighborhood, and other stakeholders a chance to:

The outcome of this study may shape the future of the entire corridor and its potential expansion to improve traffic flow on and off Hilton Head Island. "As the Town Council gets closer to making a municipal decision regarding this project, we want to ensure our property owners and residents, particularly those living in the area likely to experience the greatest impact, are well-informed and have a clear understanding of the findings from our Independent Study," said Mayor Alan Perry.

The workshop agenda can be accessed on the Town’s website at The workshop will also be live-streamed on the Town’s YouTube Channel and the Beaufort County Channel, and can be viewed on Spectrum Channel 1304.

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Manager