Hilton Head Island
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June 7, 2023
The Hilton Head Island Town Council on Tuesday adopted a new Strategic Action Plan, an ambitious, community-focused blueprint celebrating the Island’s history, culture, environment, and social-economic diversity while addressing its most pressing needs and services for residents.
“Along with our priority-based Town Consolidated Budget, our new Strategic Action Plan defines our vision for the community over the next two fiscal years. It is purposefully aligned with the goals identified in Our Plan, the Town’s comprehensive plan, and articulates what we believe should be achieved to realize our vision for the Island,” said Town Manager Marc Orlando.
The Strategic Action Plan reaffirms the Town’s commitment to its core values and is organized around those ideals that serve as a foundation for Town initiatives. Those core values consist of the following:
“As a Town, it is essential that we move in a positive direction to enhance our quality of life. In January, the Town Council and Town staff convened for a two-day strategic planning session to set the agenda for Town government in the months ahead,” said Mayor Alan Perry. “We emerged with a wide range of strategies around which we are building concrete action plans. I’m excited to have this document as our blueprint for the next two fiscal years and look forward to working with our community to implement these strategies.”
“This Strategic Action Plan prioritizes our top initiatives and charts our course forward. We have an enthusiastic team already doing innovative work, based upon this Plan, to transform our community and deliver exceptional public service for our residents through day-to-day operations and evolving opportunities,” Orlando said.
In all, the Plan contains 54 strategies, each of which has a defined work plan that lays out the steps necessary to achieve these goals. Progress toward completion of each strategy will be measured and reported monthly on the Strategic Action Plan dashboard.
The top 15 strategies identified within the Plan include:
The remaining 39 strategies identified within the Plan include a variety of initiatives to further support and advance the Town’s core values.
Next Steps
The complete Strategic Action Plan is available here. The public can also follow monthly updates through the Strategic Action Plan Dashboard. In August, the Town Council will host a public workshop to review the status and implementation of its adopted strategies.
For more information about the Town of Hilton Head Island, visit hiltonheadislandsc.gov. Follow us on social to keep up with the latest news: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
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Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite hiltonheadislandsc.gov y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.
Contact Carolyn Grant, Communications Director 843-341-4618 CarolynG@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
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