News Release

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Town Council Approves the Purchase 7.19 Acres on Bryant Road for Workforce Housing

May 3, 2023

Hilton Head Island Town Council voted unanimously to enter into a contract to purchase property located at 30 Bryant Road for $3.4 million following executive session discussion on Tuesday, May 2.

The 7.19 acre property is located off of Spanish Wells Road near the Cross Island Parkway.

"We are very excited about the purchase of this property. It is a great location for workforce housing through a public-private partnership," said Mayor Alan Perry. "This purchase is directly aligned with Town Council’s Strategic Action Plan to implement the Workforce Housing Framework as one of its highest priorities," he continued.

Closing is anticipated to occur on or before July 6. Additional details of the purchase will be made available after closing. To be notified of any new development on this acquisition, sign up to receive the Town of Hilton Head Island’s e-notifications.


Map of location of 30 Bryant Road

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Director