News Release

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Hilton Head Island Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Budget Workshop Held

May 10, 2022

The Town Council of Hilton Head Island held a budget workshop at 9:00 am on Tuesday, May 10, at Town Hall to discuss the proposed fiscal year (FY) 2023 consolidated budget for the Town's general fund, debt service fund, capital improvements program fund, and stormwater utility fund. The proposed $119.5 million budget was first presented publicly by Town Manager Marc Orlando on May 3.

The budget workshop was held to provide the Town Council and the public an opportunity to make comments and ask questions about the proposed budget. The Town Council's discussion focused mainly on the Town’s strong financial position and the alignment of the budget with the Town’s strategic plan.

"The budget presented by Mr. Orlando is detailed and transparent," said Mayor John McCann. "It provides for resiliency through emergency reserves, commits significant funds to enhance our level of service, and invests in the Capital Improvement Program. What more can a coastal community ask for?"

The final step in the approval process is a public hearing and second reading of the budget scheduled for Tuesday, June 7.

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Director