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Santa Mail

Santa Mail starts Saturday, November 30th

Every fire station on Hilton Head Island has a mailbox just for letters to Santa!

The letters will go directly to the North Pole. So start writing your letters now!

Santa Mail will run until December 18th.

Make sure your return address is on the envelope because Santa always writes back!

Locations to Drop your Santa Mail

Santa Mail Mailbox

Station 1 - 70 Cordillo Parkway
Enter off Pope Avenue to Pope Avenue Executive Park

Station 2 - 65 Lighthouse Road
Sea Pines Plantation next to Sea Pines Center

Station 3 - 534 William Hilton Parkway
Next to First Presbyterian Church

Station 4 - 400 Squire Pope Road
Near the back entrace to Hilton Head Plantation

Station 5 - 20 Whooping Crane Way
Entrance to Hilton Head Plantation

Station 6 - 12 Dalmatian Lane
Palmetto Dunes

Station 7 - 1001 Marshland Road
Near the Cross Island Parkway

Headquarters - 40 Summit Drive
Just past the Convenience Center on your right


Have questions or need more information call our Fire & Life Safety Educator at 843-682-5141.