Preliminary Guidance on How American Rescue Plan Funds may be Used

Based on guidance that has been provided from the United States Department of the Treasury, the Town is anticipated to receive a cumulative total of $5,227,178.00 in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

The United States Department of Treasury has also issued some preliminary guidance on how these funds may be potentially utilized. A "Fact Sheet" was issued by the United States Department of the Treasury on May 10, 2021.

The stated goals that have been outlined under this program are to address concerns within the following areas:

Additional guidance has also been recently published that helps to further understand how the funds received under this program may be authorized in order to address the concerns highlighted above. The following are a list of categories that have been initially identified as being eligible uses:

Treasury's guidance in expending these funds has also stated that there are certain expenditures that will not be eligible with these funds. Those include using the funding to directly offset or to reduce/cut taxes or to make a deposit to a pension fund.

It is important to note that timing requirements have been incorporated into this legislation as well. A recipient of funding under this program must obligate 100 percent of the funding that it has received by December 31, 2024 and must have 100 percent of these funds expended by December 31, 2026. The covered period for any activity to be deemed eligible must have taken place or will take place between March 3, 2021 and December 31, 2024.



Contact our Finance Director, John Troyer, at or 843-341-4650.