Hilton Head Island
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Common questions you may be asking about our Capital Improvements Program (CIP).
The CIP is the Town of Hilton Head Island's Capital Improvements Program for planning and implementing capital improvements within the Town. This includes projects like new parks and pathways, roadway improvements, and improvements to Town facilities and equipment.
The program follows a yearly planning and budgeting process. This includes project recommendations made by the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission with a budget adopted by Town Council.
Visit our project idea page and you can submit your capital project idea online to our CIP staff.
Submit Your Capital Improvement Idea
Email your comments or questions to our staff.
Submit a CIP Comment
Visit our Capital Project Dashboard. On the dashboard, you can search for projects by category, name or location. Each project has information listed about the budget, project manager, and timeline with a description and status.
View Our Capital Projects Dashboard
Each of our projects or programs are categorized into one of seven categories:
We use the categories to keep track of similar projects for budgeting and for making decisions about the CIP.
Visit our Capital Projects Dashboard. On the dashboard, you can search for projects by category, name or location. Each project has information listed about the budget, project manager, and timeline with a description and status.
Subscribe for the monthly Parks + Recreation newsletter. The newsletter provides updates about key parks projects and lists opportunities for the public to get involved with the park planning process.
Sign Up the Parks + Recreation Newsletter
Use our online reporting application on the SeeClickFix platform to report any issue or concerns in your Island community.
Report an Issue
Visit the our website to learn more about our major initiatives.
Learn More About Our Major Initiatives
Review the Status of Our Projects
Let us know your thoughts or questions about our current projects.
If you see a capital need on the Island, or have an idea for projects at our parks, on our roadways and pathways, or for our facilities, let us know.