Hilton Head Island
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December 14, 2023
This is to give notice that the Town of Hilton Head Island has conducted an evaluation, as required by Executive Orders 11988 and 11990, to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain and wetland will have on the human environment for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under grant number B-23-MC-45-0014 for the purpose of constructing a new park located at 273 Squire Pope Road. The planned project involves the design and construction of a new neighborhood park located on the Town- and Beaufort County-owned parcel at 273 Squire Pope Road.
The park may feature access and parking improvements, earth trails, earthen drives, vehicular gates, split rail fencing and interpretive signage. No quantifiable changes to flood elevation and wetlands will result from the planned project. Design and construction of the park project will be completed in accordance with Federal, State, and Town of Hilton Head Island standards and codes. The intent and anticipated results of the planned project is to improve access and availability of public recreation facilities for all members of the community.
There are three primary purposes for this notice:
Written comments must be received by the Town of Hilton Head Island at the following address on or before Friday, December 29, 2023: Town of Hilton Head Island, Finance Department, Attention: Marcy Benson, Senior Grants Administrator, 1 Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928. Comments may also be submitted via email to MarcyB@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or by telephone at 843-341-4689.
Contact Marcy Benson, Senior Grants Administrator 843-341-4689
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