Move over pumpkin spice everything, because the holiday season is here!

December 2024

Can you feel it? A crispness in the air, a drop (albeit slight) in our average daily temperature, and of course, the ratcheting up of seasonal anticipation associated with our beloved winter holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah. 

All over the island, holiday events offer us the chance to enjoy this time together – through our town website and the MyHHI app. Just a couple clicks, and you'll see that there are lots of ways to build some holiday momentum.

But, if we're not careful, we might drift away from the true meaning behind celebrating these holidays. We spend a lot of time determining who's bringing what to family dinners, acquiring the right outfits for school, church, and synagogue events, and looking for deals on the ever-growing list of electronics at the top of kids' wish lists.

To some, it may seem trite; however, I believe it never hurts to offer a reminder that engages us more fully with the reason for this season. It's also important to remember that while it is a joyous, fun, and festive time for many, it can also be challenging for others.

So, while all the activity is wonderful, I want to encourage us all to take a step back and once again tap into the incredible spirit of giving and warmth that makes our island special. Make that phone call or send that text you've been holding off on. Give that extra little bit to an organization whose mission is to provide food or shelter for those less fortunate than you. Practice spontaneous and random acts of kindness, big and small. Provide comfort and presence in the face of grief and individual struggle. Find peace through forgiveness and fortitude. Face the new year to come with community and friendship in your heart.

As 2025 quickly approaches, Kathy and I wish you all happiness and blessings in the year ahead.

Mayor Alan Perry

Alan Perry