Hilton Head Island
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January 2025
Like many of you, my thoughts at the outset of a New Year tend toward making resolutions. Some are personal, some are professional, and many of them relate to the kind of servant leadership we aspire to in our town government.
As your Mayor, I take the concept of servant leadership very seriously; defined in the 1970's by Robert Greenleaf, this leadership philosophy prioritizes the growth, well-being and development of individuals and communities so that everyone's full potential can be reached, and organizations can achieve success. Fortunately, our Town Council and Town staff rosters are full of individuals who subscribe to this idea, too, and it's what is fueling our momentum as we enter 2025.
I often say that when trying to find solutions that actually solve problems, without data, you're just another person with an opinion. We're going to take our data-driven mindset to the next level during our upcoming Town Council strategic planning sessions with Town staff this February and I've resolved for my focus in those discussions to target these top five priorities for 2025:
Please don't misread me, I don't intend to make it sound like the new year is going to consist of a simple to-do list where we check the boxes, celebrate some wins, and move on. It's going to take due diligence, respect, thoughtfulness and our servant leadership hearts and data-driven minds; but with that said, I've never been more hopeful and enthusiastic about the future of Hilton Head Island.