Speaking at Public Meetings

The Town of Hilton Head Island encourages and values Public Comment at all public meetings.

In order to ensure that we hear each voice and that meetings move forward in an orderly manner, we have established the following guidelines.

Please read the below guidelines carefully and completely.

Public Comment Guidelines

To address Town Council, committees, boards, or commissions, during public comment, individuals must sign up prior to the meeting by submitting the public comment form to the Town Clerk or board secretary.

  • The online Public Comment form shall be submitted no later than two hours prior to the meeting start time.
    • Hard copy forms will be provided at the meeting to complete as well and must be turned in no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
    • Late forms will not be accepted.
  • Individuals must be present at the meeting.
  • Be prepared to move quickly to the podium when your name is called. Do not approach the dais.
  • Each member of the public who is recognized to speak will be allowed up to three minutes to address the Council or committee.
    • Begin by stating your name and your address.
    • Address your remarks to the entire Council or committee, board or commission, rather than to a specific member. Do not address your remarks to the audience.
    • Be respectful and courteous to Council, boards, committees, commissions, staff, other speakers, and those in attendance at the meeting.
    • Confine comments to topics under the jurisdiction of the Hilton Head Island Town Council.
  • If you have any documents for Town Council, boards, committees, or commissions, please provide to the Town Clerk or board secretary following your comments.
  • A count-down clock will indicate when your time to speak has ended. A tone will sound and your comments must be completed.
  • Behavior that fails to yield the floor when the speaker's time is concluded; repeatedly interrupts a Council, board, committee or commission member; disturbs the order of the meeting; involves loud, threatening, hostile, abusive, vulgar or obscene language; or disrupts the meeting is prohibited.

View the Meeting Calendar

Sign-up to Speak during Public Comment

The online Public Comment form must be submitted not later than two hours prior to the meeting start time. Hard copies of the form will be provided at the meeting as well and must be turned in not later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Late forms will not be accepted.

Are you representing an organization?*


Meeting Information

Select an upcoming meeting to sign-up for public comment.

Select the Town Council, board, committee or commission you would like to address during Public Comment.

Select an upcoming meeting to address the Town Council, committee, board, committee, or commission during Public Comment.

Agenda Item?*
   (List all agenda items)

Public Meetings

Staff Contacts