Hilton Head Island
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As part of accepting the 2025-2026 Hilton Head Island Beach Renourishment Project permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Town of Hilton Head Island will be required to amend its municipal code to restrict dog activity near Fish Haul Creek.
The area to be restricted does not currently experience substantial dog or human activity given its unique location and tidal movement. No other beach areas will be affected by this permit requirement to restrict dog activity.
The USFWS permit requirement seeks to protect endangered shore bird species who migrate and nest in an area about the size of two football fields and about 600 feet away from the Fish Haul Beach public access point.
USFWS has indicated that dogs may be disruptive to the birds' habitat. The new restrictions will go into effect once the municipal code changes are adopted by Town Council. The area will be marked with signage so residents and visitors are aware of the new restrictions.