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Fire Station Community Rooms

Fire Department community rooms are available free of charge for non-profit civic, educational and cultural groups or organizations. Use of the room is restricted to not-for-profit activities only. Commercial programs, for-profit and personal social functions are not permitted.

Rooms Available

Fire Stations 1, 4, 5 and 6

Facility Information

  • All community rooms are handicapped accessible.
  • Public Wi-Fi access is available in the community rooms.
  • The occupancy in all community rooms is limited.

Conditions of Use

All rules are subject to change without notice.

  • You must be 18 years old to reserve a room.
  • Use of community rooms are restricted to non-profit activities only.
  • Community room use hours are 9 am to 9 pm
  • We reserve the right to limit activities that might interfere with normal fire station activities.
  • No sales of any type or exchange of money is allowed. This includes solicitation of donations or payment of registration or membership fees.
  • Children must be supervised at all times on fire department property.
  • The user will pay for any damage to the facility and/or its belongings within fifteen days.
  • Parking is limited at and around the stations and hosts should plan accordingly. Parking will only be allowed in designated spaces.
  • Firefighters may end an event at any time in order to respond to emergencies.
  • Fire Department sponsored and approved government and staff-related activities have priority.

Prohibited Use

Community rooms may not be used for the following purposes:

  • Private social gatherings or parties.
  • Fundraising, sales or any other profit-making or commercial activities.
  • Community Rooms may not be used for workshops, seminars, or programs which include direct or indirect promotion of a business or solicitation of clients. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, a free about a product, program or service that would be available in the future at a cost to the attendee, or a presentation that endorses membership in tiered marketing or home-based sales.
  • As the community room is the property of the Town of Hilton Head Island, to avoid the appearance of any suggestion of improper partisanship, endorsement or partiality in the use of the premises, political activities on the premises, other than the use of the room as a duly sanctioned election polling place in a municipal, county, state or federal election, are prohibited.

Improper political activities shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Speeches, rallies or other gatherings in connection with the promotion of a candidate for any public office, or in connection with a legislative or election issue;
  • Political party or committee or other organizational meetings of any kind;
  • Activities of any kind in connection with any petition for the calling of an election or for presentation to a governing political body or official;
  • Political fundraising activities;
  • Any meetings or other activities intended to promote the candidacy of a person for any public office or for the promotion of any legislative or election issue;
  • Any activities intended to register persons to vote or increase voter turnout.

Room Rules

Community rooms must be restored to its original state upon completion of use.

  • Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, firearms and weapons are not permitted on fire department property.
  • No smoking or use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, or other smoking devices on fire department property.
  • The use of open flames, including candles and canned liquid cooking fuel, is prohibited in all community rooms.
  • Lights must remain on, and windows/doors may not be covered when rooms are in use.
  • No pets are allowed, with the exception of designated service animals (i.e. seeing-eye dogs).
  • Groups cannot store supplies for future meetings in the room.
  • Users are responsible for setting up and leaving the room in the condition in which it was found, including disposal of any waste materials.